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Summer Business Essentials

Setting up your business for summer success

July 6, 2022

Summer is here and all the cool businesses and brands are positioning themselves to benifit from the summer season!

Traditionally a summer slowdown is anticipated for when summer approaches however, entrepreneurs, by being proactive, can dispel the blues during summer.


By implimenting strategies that working companies and businesses use to gear up for the coming fall rather than stopping their activities for a gained momentum.

First off, and probabaly the most obvious choice is create promotions. But not the same bland, generic summer sale promotions. Focus on creating promotions that make sense to your business and consumers, something they would both appreciate and want to participate in.

Whether it be a special percentage off a popular item to drive brand awareness or special discounts for long time cutomers to reward brand loyalty creating a summer promotion is a great way to reach new customers and create intrest in regular ones.

Next, get involved in your community. During the Summer, school is out and parents are always looking for family based acitivites or events. Take advantage of this opportunity by sponosoring events or even hosting them yourself. When you engage in community involvement, you foster a positive workplace culture and build strong relationships with your local community.

Not only that but, you support people in need and change lives for the better. If you want to stand out among competitors, boost your business image as well as show you care about your community and audience community involvement is the way to go.

There is also the bonus of brand awareness. When your employees support the local community, people learn about your business. Even if they aren’t your target customers, they may mention your business to others which can lead to new customers.

Finally, attract new clients. During the summer your competitors might be seasonally closed, so why not take advantage of that? Ensure that your offerings are avaliable and at a high quality and spice up your summer marketing.

Take a look at your website. Could it do with updating? Don't forget thatm the lead up to the summer period is the perfect time to plan your social media calendar and revamp all your other marketing material.

Will you be implimenting any of these summer tips to help your business thrive? Let us know in the comments below!